How to Set Goals and Succeed

Jumping on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon shouldn’t just happen at the beginning of the new year. This should be something we should strive for all year long.

A lot of us turn on the switch once a new year rolls around. “This is the year I get healthy!”, “this year I’m gonna lose (fill in the blank) pounds”, “I’m gonna go the gym (this many) times a week”. Does this all sound familiar?

The momentum gets us through the first two to four weeks. Here some percentages:

  • 48% of adults want to exercise more

  • 23% quit in the first week

  • 36% make it to the first month

What are the main reasons we don’t continue?

  • 35% lose motivation

  • 19% are too busy

  • 18% change their priorities

Let’s talk about the reasoning behind these stats and what we can do about it to succeed.

Determine a starting point

Before committing to any exercise or eating plan, you have to figure out where you are right now. How much exercise do you really get a day? What is your current weight and is it at a healthy weight? What are you eating…lots of lean protein, vegetables? or junk food?

We need to do this because once we know where we are, we need to know where we’re going. What weight would you like to be? How much exercise do you need to get in a day or a week? Would you like to add more vegetables to your diet?

Next up, the why. Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to eat better? This is so important because on those no motivation days, and you will have them, no doubt, you have to have the why.

Setting goals

Goal setting has to begin with healthy, attainable and realistic goals. We live in a fast paced, I need it now, world. Just look at the weight loss industry.

Me in my best announcer voice “Follow this diet and lose 50 pounds in a week!”, “don’t eat carbs, and the fat will melt away!” (Meanwhile you’re ready to kill somebody). “Do this exercise and you’ll have 6 pack abs” (showing a photoshopped model).

How should you establish your goals? They should be specific and clear so you can focus your efforts on that goal. They should be measurable so they can be easily tracked. Goals should be achievable. Meaning they are possible to attain. Your goals should be relevant to you. Time is needed to get from your starting point to your end result.

Having long term, big goals is great. But in order to not lose motivation for the long-haul goal, set smaller goals. Achieving and celebrating the smaller goals sets you up for establishing healthy habits and is the steppingstone to the big goal.

Along with the short-term goals, set up performance goals. For example, if you can only do 5 pushups, set a goal to get to 8 pushups in a week. Walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes, aim for powerwalking for 15 minutes then 20 minutes. Trying to get in more exercise a day? Instead of long workouts, break them down into a few mini workouts a day.

Take a look at my post on Workouts You can do at Home.

Or read it >>>>> here.

Don’t know how you’re going get that exercise in? I have a post for that too! You can read it here.

Avoid quick fixes and social media

Scrolling online for the latest quick fix or diet-du-jour isn’t going help, it’s only a source of stress. All these ads are quick non-permanent changes. Don’t let what you see take you away from your specific goals.

Get physical!

Once you set those goals, now it’s time to get moving. Gym membership? Take full advantage of the equipment and don’t forget the classes. Classes are fun and help with keeping exercise fresh. Plus, the fact that classes are scheduled, there’s more of a chance you’ll make it to the gym. I teach HIIT classes at 5:30. So at 5:30, members know, hey it’s HIIT time, let’s get it done!

If you need a workout tracker, whether or not you workout at home or at the gym, check out my fitness tracker available on Amazon.

No membership? That’s ok too. There are plenty of ways to workout at home. Check for online workout apps that connect you with a trainer. It’s like Uber but for fitness.

Another option, whether or not you do the gym thing but want workout guidance, is to get a personal trainer. We do work at the gym, or we can set you up with workouts for you to do on your own.

Whatever gets you moving for at least 30 minutes a day, intensity depending on your finish line goals, is what matters!

Nutritious Food

Ever hear the term “you can’t outrun a bad diet”? As much as we’d like to eat what we want and think we can “work it off”, unfortunately, isn’t the way to reach those goals. And on the other hand, you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite food. Balance is key.

Begin with making food swaps. Do you snack on chips? Cut up some fruit or vegetables and make snack packs to take to work. Another snack option is to make your own healthy trail mix. I’ve checked the nutrition labels on some ready-made mixes and the sugar content is too high. What do I do instead? I buy raisins, nuts, dried cranberries and m&m’s and make my own mix.

Meal Planning is another way to make sure your adding healthy food in your day and obtaining those goals.

Why meal plan? So you don’t get home and stare at the refrigerator and hope dinner makes itself, which leads to the alternative of picking up the phone and ordering Uber Eats.

For meal planning tips you can read my tips right here.

Asking the other family members what they want to eat and getting the “I don’t know or food” response doesn’t help either. I tell them I don’t have a recipe for that.

When you plan for the week, you can shop for the ingredients, then do a little prep work (chopping vegetables) and be ready for a weeks’ worth of meals.

In Conclusion

Take the starting line position and make those big goals, further breaking them into smaller attainable goals. Celebrate every small goal and get to that finish line a healthier person!

Need a coach to get you there? I can be that coach!

Your question: “why should I trust you and how are you going to help me?”

Me: “Besides being a Personal Trainer and certified Health Coach, I’ve been on the ‘why the heck isn’t this weight coming off, I workout and eat right’ bandwagon. And fell off, and got back on, and fell off, you get the picture. I’m back on now and its time for me to help you stay on the wagon, take the reins and steer it!”

Here’s the how >>>> check out food, fitness, fun


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